Our vision

Joining His Mission To Redeem and Reconcile


More Godly People Making a More Godly World


To Know Christ and Grow in Him, to Serve Christ and Make Him Known

We believe that our faith must be lived out through service and are driven to be a loving community that shares the message that life is better with Jesus



We seek after God and come regularly into His presence

  • Authentic, Relevant Worship
      • Worship is where we come before God in relevant ways, offer our lives as living sacrifices, and are being transformed into His likeness.
  • Personal and Corporate Prayer
      • Our lives, homes, and church are places where we teach, train and seek God in prayer.
  • Interactive Life in the Word
      • We seek to read, meditate, and be transformed by the Word of God; the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine and conduct.

Our actions encourage relationships that deepen faith and support unity

  • Vital Fellowship
      • We seek to love one another, serve one another, and work together to establish supportive relationships to establish His Kingdom.
  • Gifted Ministry
      • We are a body that ministers to one another inside and outside the Church through acts of service and through spiritual gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit.
  • Spiritual Transformation Towards Maturity
      • We are called to spiritual maturity by exercising faith through teaching, serving, obedience, and suffering.
  • Unity in the Body
      • We are called to protect, nurture and maintain the unity that the Spirit gives in the bond of peace.

We live into God’s command to seek the lost and serve His Kingdom

  • Sharing the Good News Outreach
      • Lost people matter to God and our Church. Our desire is to share the gospel with our community, our culture, and our world.
  • Serve to Our Community
      • We seek justice and service, which will make a difference in our community, and desire to grow in compassion for the poor and the poor in spirit.